Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lee Learning Library 2.0

What a fantastic opportunity! To learn Library 2.0 from my desk at work, without having to go anywhere or take time out attending workshops...
Now.... What am I hoping to learn? Whatever I can to keep up with the kids and youth. To be able to create (or know what I am talking about when I ask someone else to create for me) websites and blogs, social networks (I really DON'T think that library myspace works for youth. I've had a look at a few library pages on there and they are not used).
Then I want to find out what RSS feeds are? Wikis? Podcasts? Mashups? (Can I have gravy with that?)
Looking forward to learning a lot and being able to put it into practice!


pls@slnsw said...

Great that you have started. I hope you enjoy the course.


Mehendi artist said...

Thank you Ellen.
I'm looking forward to learning a lot in a hurry!
Cheers, Lee